Wednesday 5 December 2012

a wordle of dry island

 <a href="" 
          title="Wordle: Dry island"><img
          alt="Wordle: Dry island"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>

Saturday 24 November 2012

Sunday 11 November 2012

Lobster Jess!

Sometimes my friend Colin Robertson has too much time on his hands:)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sunday 4 November 2012

Ian on BBC Landward

Ian was on BBC Landward, have a look on iplayer, BBC Scotland 7pm Nov 2nd Fri.

Our daughter kissed the screen, the youngest was in the bath and wanted us to bring the TV into the bathroom so she could watch from there. Ian didn't want to watch it and I loved it.

Feedback has been great including some lovely tweets from MacBeths the butchers and McKinlayKidd

Photo by Campbell Mitchell photographer, check out his excellent photography website of the same name

Landward want to make an hour show with him, so lots more TV screen kissing coming up for our daughter:) and good exposure for our business and the beautiful area of Wester Ross

Monday 22 October 2012

Squat lobsters in new product category. Happy Lobster Jess

Sunday 21 October 2012


Haven't posted for a couple of days,sorry have been very tired. I also had my birthday:) I got Fr Ted DVDs from my brother:) I also welcomed 2 french girls on workaway, who are staying with us for a month. They help with housework and childcare and get free food and bed. Very lovely girls, my french is so rusty but we are getting there.

Waiting for more test results never helps the sleep at 4 am. But on a lighter note should sleep well tonight. I left the island for the first time in over a week. Really struggled with the steps up to the car park. Ian, yesterday, suggested a date to the McColl's shop in Gairloch. I managed to upgrade this to a morning at our local National Trust Garden, Inverewe. Warm sunshine and beautiful colours, I love October, it is definitely my favourite month. My good friend Colin Robertson kindly gave me a family annual NT membership for my birthday. He also took the lovely photo. There are 50-60 Eucalyptus trees at Inverewe and 6 varieties. The French girls like photography and took lots of photos.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Old Grandad's influence

I dreamt about Old Grandad last night. He was a lovely kind man who was devoutly religious. He died a year ago.
I was worried about today. I was feeling very tired. I knew that Ian was away in Skye working. I had housework and a changeover to do as we have two holiday cottages on the island that sleep two people. A disadvantage with being self employed is when you are off sick you don't get paid or cover.
Emily and Rosie, two delightful sisters who the girls love, rang. They offered to take the girls out for the afternoon:) Thanks old grandad. I have got the housework and changeover done, the girls helped a bit. Now I am the only one on the island, so peaceful, time for my afternoon siesta:) will feel a lot better as I am sleeping so deeply at present, hence the dreams. Will be all recharged for tea, bath and bed:) Thanks Rosie and Emily, two very kind girls indeed.

The Floating bridge to Dry Island

Myself and my girls on our bridge.  Photo by Colin Robertson, a kind friend from Gairloch

Ian built it from recycled plastic 11 yrs ago. It is brilliant and has survived some severe storms now. It is a unique bridge over the Atlantic. Our island is so named because there is a tidal difference of an average of 5 metres. Twice a day/night you can walk across without the bridge. The bridge then rises and lowers with the tide. Only with a strong westerly wind do your feet get damp without wellies as the waves splash over. There are only about 2 days a year when it is too wild to cross but then you can always wait for the tide to got out:)

The Happiness Project

I have been thinking about writing a blog for a while now. I planned to write about my job as a self-employed lobster which I love.
Fate has intervened. I now have had time to start my blog finally:) However, this is because I am off work. I had severe anaemia picked up by a routine test 5 weeks ago and it has really changed my life. From working full time plus 2 kids and the house, I am now basically island bound. I am off work 'till Jan I think. I am also unable to drive. Getting from our house to the car park is a 5-10 min walk over a cool floating bridge. There are also steep steps that I am finding very hard at present. So suddenly I am at home a lot.
I have just read a very thought provoking book called the Happiness Project, anyone read it? This was good timing I think.
Rather than a blog about shellfish and shellfish recipes, although they will always be mentioned, I am a lobster after all:) until I am back at work, this blog is going to be loosely based around the book. I am going to read her new book, Happier at Home, and I am going to try to be:)

Saturday 13 October 2012

Friday 12 October 2012


As a lobster, I love the vibrancy of my orange skinny jeans and red PVC DM boots:).
as Jess I wear, I realise after sorting out my wardrobe, err mainly navy blue aka school teacher/nun.
So day 1 of introducing some lobster vibrancy into my everyday life. I wore my usual navy blue/dark green but wore a beautiful bright blue belt and matching scarf. Not as beautiful a blue as on the under body of a lobster but as close as I can get. I felt great and Ian the fisherman my partner noticed! and said I looked french, so I am hommardjess today:)

Monday 8 October 2012


Photo by Meredith Adams from  Badachro, Scotland


Hello. My name is Lobster Jess
I live in a very beautiful part of the world, Wester Ross in the Scottish Highlands
I live on an island called Dry Island,
There is one house on the island