Sunday 14 October 2012

Old Grandad's influence

I dreamt about Old Grandad last night. He was a lovely kind man who was devoutly religious. He died a year ago.
I was worried about today. I was feeling very tired. I knew that Ian was away in Skye working. I had housework and a changeover to do as we have two holiday cottages on the island that sleep two people. A disadvantage with being self employed is when you are off sick you don't get paid or cover.
Emily and Rosie, two delightful sisters who the girls love, rang. They offered to take the girls out for the afternoon:) Thanks old grandad. I have got the housework and changeover done, the girls helped a bit. Now I am the only one on the island, so peaceful, time for my afternoon siesta:) will feel a lot better as I am sleeping so deeply at present, hence the dreams. Will be all recharged for tea, bath and bed:) Thanks Rosie and Emily, two very kind girls indeed.

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